Community Events
Jun 6, 2023
Rally in Albany, NY to tell Governor Hochul: No Radioactive Waste in the Hudson River!
What: Rally in Albany, NY to tell Governor Hochul: No Radioactive Waste in the Hudson River!
When: Tuesday, June 6 at 12pm in Albany.
– Bus leaves at 7:30am from New York City (outside the Tick Tock Diner, 481 8th Ave)
– Bus leaves at 9am from Cortlandt Town Hall Parking Lot (1 Heady St, Cortlandt, NY)
Where: State St & Washington Ave, State Capitol, Albany, NY
Jun 9, 2023
Native Trees and Shrubs for Pollinators
In anticipation of National Pollinator Week, join Extension Master Gardener Elaine Mills to learn about our native pollinators, their needs and preferences, and which plant species will offer the best sources of nourishment for their full life cycles. She introduces over 30 understory trees and shrubs native to the Mid-Atlantic and the Southeast, describes their characteristics, growth requirements, and landscape uses to add beauty to your garden.
Jun 10, 2023
Community Work Day: Native Plants Care
Hilltop Hanover's native plants team works hard to care for our living seed bank, growing local ecotype plants for seed, so that we can increase their numbers all throughout Westchester.
Dig into the dirt with us and enjoy working as a community as we care for the native plants across the farm. Learn about the benefits and habits of these plants as we work, and how they can be incorporated into your own garden.
Jun 10, 2023
Out and About at Teatown
We’re celebrating Pride Month at Teatown! Join Teatown Educators and Wildflower Island Curator Mathew McDowell to learn about the wild world of gender and reproduction in plants as we hike. Wear appropriate hiking footwear, sun protection, and bug spray, and bring water and a snack.
Jun 11, 2023
Film screening: ‘One Dam at a Time’
Join Riverkeeper in a screening of Jon Bowermaster’s short film “One Dam at a Time, a new documentary about Riverkeeper’s efforts to restore free-flowing creeks in the Hudson Valley. The film will be followed by a brief presentation about Riverkeeper’s ongoing work to help restore the Quassaick Creek.